Friday, October 30, 2015

Monday, Nov. 2 - Critique

Please meet in BAC-45. Class starts at 2 pm for them so please have everything ready to go at that time. I will meet you in the classroom in BAC at 2 pm. Will be meeting with Graphics One until then in the lab so if you have some last minute items to cover you can do so in the lab and then be over in the classroom. You are expected to be dressed for critique and prepared on the computer in the lab with the material - part of your critique grade.

Be ready to discuss target market, design decisions and why you choose the motifs you did for the JUFF with the editorial board.

Left Side
1. (on bottom) Research
2. Visual Briefs (all items - website / journal cover / journal article)
3. Pitch (designed summary with your logo written to the client explaining the design - discuss target audience, design decisions, etc. - no personal pronouns)

Right Side
1. Thumbnails
2. Roughs
3. Final of Website (all pages printed out on 8.5x11)
4. JUFF booklet - cover (front & back + article) - cut to size.

For the Client Folder
Please write your last name, first name_JUFF on the project tab

Left Side
1. (on Bottom) Visual brief that you used for all material (combine the three into one sheet)
2. Pitch (designed summary with your logo written to the client explaining the design - discuss target audience, design decisions, etc. - no personal pronouns) - same one as in job folder for class

Right Side
1. Website (all pages printed out on 8.5x11)
2. JUFF Booklet - cover (front & back + article) - cut to size.

-Make sure your interactive pdf works before class and that you have your final JUFF uploaded to Issuu and you can pull everything up. I will meet you over there at 2 pm. Dress the part of a professional. Practice your pitch!!

See ya then! Good luck!

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