Here is the JOB FOLDER info
Left Side
1. Research (labeled with FilmFest_pg1) / bottom of the folder
2. Visual Briefs (labeled with VisualBrief_pg1)
3. Design Summary (please follow all the normal requirements for this)
Right Side
1. Thumbnails (labeled with FilmFest_pg1)
2. Roughs (Roughs_pg1)
3. Finals (FilmFest_Name)
Left Side
1. Design Summary
Right Side
1. Logo / portrait / 8.5x11 on white in black and white / centered
2. Poster / 11x17 / full bleed / folded
Logo needs to be on white background and projected on screen
Poster needs to be under glass and on the stand. We will start with Abby Winters and work around to the right of the table.
Please dress up for critique and be prepared to talk about design decisions of why you took the route that you did for the branding and the poster. Be prepared to talk about how the logo might work on other items (don't have to show this...just have ideas ready to offer up for the moving out of the mark).
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