Monday, August 27, 2012

Wednesday, First Assignment

Hi guys,

Here is the list for the typographers that you are doing....just in case you didn't get it in class.

alesia - aldus manutius
abby w - gutenberg
chelsea - claude garamond
megan - didot
lilia - baskerville
abby - bodoni
kate - fredric goudy
tommy - william dwiggins
lindsey - william morris
ben w - bruce rogers
jeff - jan van krimpen
julie - carol twombly
ben h - william caslon
stephanie priddy - eric gill
hillary - morris fuller benton
kathryn - richard austin

If you can't find the typographer's font for free please find a similar font in style to create their portrait in. The portraits need to be on 8.5x11 printed, B&W. Please center the portrait. Beneath the portrait of the typographer please put their name in the font that you have been using in 13 point. Centered underneath that the name of the font that you have used, the date the font was created in 10 pt italics. Please create a 3 inch margin for the bottom of the piece...this means that you text should not enter this 3 inch zone. Have the portrait printed out and framed behind your clip frame for class on Wednesday. Below are a few examples from previous years to look over. Again...more simple the forms are the better these turn out generally. If you are doing overlap please be careful to let the natural form of the letter show through. If you have any questions about this just drop me a line also pick up your clip frames from outside my office if you haven't yet or need a spare. See you Wednesday and tonight at 4:30 in the lab.

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